Vinyl express lxi software
Vinyl express lxi software

Vinyl express lxi software Vinyl express lxi software

Sorry for all these questions i just really want to get this plotter going and mess around cutting stuff and make some stuff for some friends. i went and got a usb to Parallel but when i hook up the plotter i get the error light blinking. i dont know what to do my computer does not have a Parallel Port or a serial port. it said it needed something like 128 mb or ram and i only had 1 mb available and that impossible. Also when i installed the LXi software it did a hardware check and everything checked out except for memory. I dont know what to do i have windows vista 64bit. i tried all the usb ports i have on the computer restarting the computer every time i tried a new port and i got the same thing. It also has a red light that turns on when i plug it in. I installed the software and put in the usb key but when i start the program it says " This application requieres that a hardware key to be installed, but was not found." When i connected the key windows said it was installing drivers and then said that it was ready for use.

Vinyl express lxi software

It came with VE LXi Expert 7.5 v4 software and a usb key. Its an older Vinyl cutter but seems to still work good the times my friend used it. I just go this VE Lynx cutter from a friend.

Vinyl express lxi software